PowerCalc™ won Gold in Consulting-Specifying Engineer’s annual contest for Product of the Year 2016.      

Our February 8th newsletter discussed the 7 reasons for winning: the power of (1) the PowerCalc algorithm, (2) the PowerCalc panel, (3) the PowerCalc process, (4) PowerCalc for NEC compliance, (5) the PowerCalc Wizard, (6) PowerCalc in the cloud, and (7) the PowerCalc experience.    

Let’s discuss Reason #4 in more detail: PowerCalc for NEC compliance.    

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PowerCalc is smart with a proprietary database. The NEC’s 14 lookup tables in Chapter 9 and endless tables throughout its 1500+ pages are fully integrated into PowerCalc’s 7 million+ equations. Just 3 inputs per circuit (load kVA, type of load and #of poles) results in over 300 NEC compliant outputs. These outputs are also compliant with IEEE Standards 141, 399 as well as other applicable codes, engineering standards and NEMA Requirements.

Other software programs provide a blank database form for the User to complete the values, but not PowerCalc. Our database is fully populated and fully vetted …used to design hundreds of actually constructed projects.

Inputs/OutputsSee our complete Inputs, Outputs and Special Features by click on the button to the left.


“PowerCalc makes it  easy to be right and  difficult to be wrong.”  PowerCalc’s outputs are based on the minimum values required by the NEC and other standards. These values can be manually adjusted by the User, with the added protection of warnings flashing on the screen for errors.

Connected and Integrated

PowerCalc’s database and design allows for instantaneous changes. So, you know that piece of equipment added at the end of the project…no problem. Need to delete that wing of the hospital…also no problem. PowerCalc updates for changes instantly, seamlessly without any late nights and long weekends to get the project out the door.

What Code Requirements?Start Free Trial!

PowerCalc meets over 118 NEC requirements plus the other code requirements noted. 43 of these NEC requirements are exclusive to PowerCalc. But see for yourself, here’s the list.

Compliance with NEC and Other Code Requirements

*Items in blue are automatic calculations exclusive to PowerCalc.

PowerCalc automatically applies many requirements including: 

IEEE 141 Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants
NEC Article 110 Requirements for Electrical Installations
NEC 110.4 Voltages
NEC 110.6 Conductor Sizes*
NEC 110.9 Interrupting Rating
NEC Articles 210 Branch Circuits
NEC 210.3 Rating
NEC 210.8 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection for Personnel*
NEC 210.10 Ungrounded Conductors Tapped from Grounded Systems
NEC 210.12 Arc Fault Current-Interrupter Protection*
NEC 210.19 Conductors Minimum Ampacity and Size*
NEC 210.20 (A) Overcurrent Protection Continuous and Non continuous Loads*
NEC Article 215 Feeders
NEC 215.2 Minimum Rating and Size*
NEC 215.20A (3) Minimum Rating and Size: Individual Dwelling Unit or Mobile Home Conductors
NEC 215.3 Overcurrent Protection*
NEC 215.4 Feeders with Common Neutral Conductor
NEC 215.5 Diagrams of Feeders
NEC 215.9 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection for Personnel*
NEC 215.10 Ground Fault Protection of Equipment*
NEC Article 220 Branch Circuit, Feeder, and Service Calculations
NEC 220.5 Calculations
NEC 220.12 Lighting Load for Specified Occupancies
NEC 220.14 Other Loads All Occupancies
NEC 220.16 Loads for Additions to Existing Installations*
NEC 220.18 Maximum Loads
NEC 220.40 Feeder and Service Load Calculations*
NEC 220.42 General Lighting*
NEC 220.44 Receptacle Loads Other Than Dwelling Units
NEC 220.50 Motors
NEC 220.51 Fixed Electric Space Heating
NEC 220.52 Small Appliance and Laundry Loads: Dwelling Unit
NEC 220.53 Appliance Load: Dwelling Unit(s)
NEC 220.54 Electric Clothes Dryers-Dwelling Unit(s)
NEC 220.55 Electric Ranges and Other Cooking Appliances Dwelling Unit(s)
NEC 220.56 Kitchen Equipment Other Than Dwelling Unit(s)
NEC 220.60 Non coincident Loads*
NEC 220.61 Feeder or Service Neutral Load
Table 220.84 Optional Calculations Demand Factors for Three or More Multifamily Dwelling Units
NEC Article 225 Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders
NEC 225.36 Suitable for Service Equipment*
NEC Article 230 Services
NEC 230.23 Overhead Service Conductor Size and Rating
NEC 230.31 Underground Service Conductor Size and Rating
NEC 230.42 Service: Minimum Size and Rating*
NEC 230.79 Rating of Service Disconnecting Means
NEC 230.90 Service Equipment Overcurrent Protection*
NEC 230.95 Ground-Fault Protection of Equipment*
NEC Article 240 Overcurrent Protection
NEC 240.4 Protection of Conductors*
NEC 240.6 Standard Ampere Ratings
NEC 240.13 Ground Fault Protection of Equipment*
NEC 240.15 Ungrounded Conductors
NEC 240.21 Location in Circuit
NEC 240.23 Change in Size of Grounded Conductor*
NEC 240.30 Enclosures
NEC Artice 250 Grounding and Bonding
NEC 250.30 Grounding Separately Derived Alternating-Current Systems*
NEC 250.30 (B) (1) Grounding Electrode Conductor
NEC 250.52 Grounding Electrodes
NEC 250.66 Size of Alternating Current Grounding Electrode Conductor*
Table 250.66 Grounding Electrode Conductor for Alternating Current Systems*
NEC 250.122 Size of Equipment Grounding Conductors*
NEC 250.122 (B) Increased in Size*
NEC 250.122 (C) Multiple Circuits*
NEC 250.122 (D) Motor Circuits*
NEC 250.122 (F) Conductors in Parallel*
NEC 250.122 (G) Feeder Taps
Table 250.122 Min. Size Equipment Grounding Conductors for Grounding Conductors for Grounding Raceway and Equipment*
NEC Article 285 Surge Protective Devices (SPDs), 1kV or Less
NEC Article 300 Wiring Methods
NEC 300.1 (C) Metric Designators and Trade Sizes*
NEC Article 310 Conductors for General Wiring
NEC 310.4 Conductors in Parallel
NEC 310.10 Temperature Limitation of Conductors*
NEC 310.15 Ampacities for Conductors Rated 0-2000 Volts
Table 310.15 (B)(2)(a) Adjustment Factors for More than Three Current Carrying Conductors in a Raceway*
Table 310.15 (B)(6) Conductor Types and Sizes for 120/240-Volt, 3 Wire, Single Phase Dwelling Services and Feeders
Table 310.16 Allowable Ampacities of Insulated Conductors Rated 0 -  2,000 Volts, Correction Factors*
NEC 310.60 Conductors Rated 2001 - 35,000 Volts
NEC Article 312 Cabinets, Cutout Boxes, and Meter Socket Enclosures
NEC 312.2 Damp or Wet Locations
NEC Article 344 Rigid Metal Conduit: Type RMC
NEC 344.22 Number of Conductors
NEC Article 408 Switchboards and Panelboards
NEC 408.3 (C) Used as Service Equipment*
NEC 408.3 (E) Phase Arrangement
NEC 408.3 (F) High Leg Identification
NEC 408.4 Circuit Directory or Circuit Identification
NEC 408.30 Panelboards
NEC 408.36 Overcurrent Protection*
NEC 408.40 Grounding of Panelboards*
NEC 408.54 Maximum Number of Overcurrent Devices*
NEC Article 422 Appliances
NEC 422.11 Overcurrent Protection
NEC 422.52 Electric Drinking Fountains
NEC Article 430 Motors, Motors Circuits, and Controllers
NEC 430.21 Motors Circuit Conductors: General
NEC 430.22 Single Motor*
NEC 430.24 Several Motors or a Motor(s) and Other Load(s)*
NEC 430.25 Multi motor and Combination Load Equipment*
NEC 430.31 Motors and Branch Circuit Overload Protection*
NEC 430.42 Motors on General Purpose Branch Circuits
NEC 430.52 Rating or Setting for Individual Motor Circuit
Table 430.52 Max. Rating/Setting of Motor, Branch Circuit Short Circuit and Ground Fault Protective Devices
NEC 430.53 Several Motors or Loads on One Branch Circuit
NEC 430.54 Multi motor and Combination Load Equipment*
NEC 430.62 Rating or Setting Motor Load
NEC 430.92 Motor Control Centers
Table 430.248 Full Load Currents in Amperes, Single Phase Alternating Current Motors
Table 430.249 Full Load Current, Two Phase Alternating Current Motors (4 Wire)
Table 430.250 Full Load Current, Three Phase Alternating Current Motors
NEC Article 440 Air Conditioning and Refrigerating Equipment
NEC 440.6 Ampacity and Rating
NEC 440.11 Disconnecting Means
NEC 440.12 Rating and Interrupting Capacity
NEC 440.22 Branch Circuit Short Circuit and Ground Fault Protection
NEC Article 695 Fire Pumps*
NEC Article 700 Emergency Systems

Why is all of this important?

savetimesavemoney no logo (002).jpgPowerCalc automates the electrical design process.

It is well established that automation is the driver in our techcentric society and business world.

Automation drives productivity across all businesses large or small. Changes, even small ones, over time snowball into massive gains in productivity.

It includes: automation of processes with databases, standards, and updated procedures resulting in fewer errors, fewer building department comments and fewer issues with finished designs. And, just less time spent on design and repetitive calculations.

To illustrate this point, we’ve put together the chart shown that focuses on design time. It shows how PowerCalc streamlines the design process to save days of engineering man hours. Save Time/Save Money

Let me know what you think…and in our next issue we’ll talk about the power of the PowerCalc Wizard. Also, be sure to sign up for our blog.    

Best Regards,      Subscribe to Newsletter


James Khalil, P.E.  

Inventor of PowerCalc

(561) 271-5643



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